Come Worship with us and experience the love and presence of the Most High God.

Beth Yeshua is a Community of set-apart  believers where Jew and non-Jew are one in Messiah. Our doors are always open to all visitors.  Our focus is on our love for God  and our neighbors.  Our goal is to bring out the best in everyone, not to look at their past mistakes, but to help them discover God's plan for their lives so they can grow and bear much fruit for Him.

Nothing is more Jewish than believing in Yeshua, the Jewish Messiah, foretold throughout the Tanakh (Hebrew Scriptures). We believe the Tanakh and the Brit Chadesha (Renewed Covenant) are the inspired and infallible Word of God. Come experience our caring, multi-ethnic community where love abounds and all are welcome. If you are searching for a more meaningful relationship with God, we will help you find it.

Each Saturday morning at 8:45 AM is Totally Tasty Torah – A time to study the weekly Torah portion. Our Shabbat service starts at 10:30 AM with an anointed time of worship, traditional Shabbat liturgy, a brief Torah service followed by an anointed message.  After service we share a time of fellowship at our Oneg (delight) where we serve a light lunch.

We would be honored to have you worship with us. Please join us for an upcoming shabbat service.

For a closer look at this weeks activities click here.



Rabbi Dr. David Barsky shares how Messianic Moments came about.  Several months ago The Lord put upon my heart to produce a series of mini messages from 3-9 minutes each that would address topics of interest to believers and topics that would inform and that would identify problems common to us all and identify Godly solutions. I call these messages Messianic Moments.  Feel free to suggest a topic.

For a closer look at Messianic Moments click here.


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